Learn the key to finding freedom from chronic dieting and shitty self-talk. heart



"I never realized how much the things I was struggling with had to do with past trauma and issues in my life. I've since discovered how to love myself, care for myself, and really listen to my own body."

checkbox Stop feeling like you need to control yourself around food and get back on a diet every Monday.

checkbox Be BFFs with your bod. Learn to respect, accept, and love the reflection you see every time you look in the mirror.

checkbox Deal with bad days without feeling the need to starve yourself, or eat compulsively and hate yourself after.



a body empowerment coach who teaches intuitive eating and movement, a trauma-trained yoga instructor, and a huge advocate of self acceptance.


This training is based on the questions I get asked most on my Instagram page and by clients.

  1. How have you been through what you've been through and still find happiness and success?
  2. How can I learn to love myself?
  3. How can I find some damn peace with food instead of hating myself after I eat something "bad"? 

I know how hard it is to learn to accept yourself as you are. I know how hard it is to walk away from the chaos and learn to find solace in the present moment. And most of all, I know it's possible to create real change.

Once you enter your email, head over to your inbox, and you’ll have instant access to this training.

I can’t wait to hear what you think, and I’m so excited to be on this journey with you.
